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Practical, Actionable Marketing Lessons for Financial Advisors 

How financial advisors and clients find each other has changed forever. I help successful business owners understand how digital marketing can transform the way they find and engage clients today, and 10 years from now.

About Samantha Russell

Called "highly energetic," "inspiring" and "a breath of fresh air," Sam's talks engage audiences, create growth and inspire a new way of thinking. Whether delivering a keynote or hosting a small group, Sam's goal with any presentation is to provide the immediate action steps advisors can take to promote business development.


Presentations Given
since 2015 


Financial Advisors, RIAs, Broker Dealers, & Custodians in attendance


Topics to choose from all centered around how to use digital marketing to grow your business

The Intersection of Digital Marketing, Technology and Financial Services

Areas of Expertise

Sam offers in-person and remote keynote speeches as well as best practice presentations, workshops and webinars on the following topics:

Digital Marketing

The strategies that work and the tools to make them happen


Defining your niche

Inbound Lead Generation

Using content marketing strategies to drive hyper-growth

And More

Weekly Marketing Video Tips

Each week, Samantha releases a new marketing video for financial advisors, spanning topics suggested by financial advisors.

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Samantha, I heard you on the Becoming Referable Podcast and it was one of the best ones I've listened to. You provided some very useful tips! We will look you up next time we're ready to re-do our website. :-)

Rose Sarko - Director of Sales & Marketing at Keystone Financial Group

I just heard you speak at the Voya's Women’s Forum 2019. I have been in the business for thirty years and this is the best, most helpful, most articulate and savvy presentation I have ever heard. Congratulations to you and thank you!

Nancy Johnson, Financial Advisor

I have been watching Twenty Over Ten Webinars for a little over 2 years now, and I love it! I didn't go to school for marketing or financial services and ToT has been an amazing resource. Thank you for all of the great content and advice!

Nicolle Yates, Wealth Planning Associate

I love your videos, they're so informative! You get straight to the point and don't overcomplicate things and that's what I like!

Jade Hemiller, Financial Advisor

As much as I want to tuck Sam and Twenty Over Ten away and hide them just for us - I can share. If you are not already following Samantha Russell and Twenty Over Ten you are missing out on some solid content, tips and advice into the digital world for Financial Advisors.

Mandy Habermehl - Experienced Digital & Creative Marketing Leader

Listen to as much of FinTech Rock Star Samantha Russell as you can. You can't miss her as she's everywhere on the web. She'll make you an advisor Rock Star.

Michael Ball - President of Ball Financial Group

Wow this was the best digital marketing session that I have ever attended

Stephanie Stewart - Affluence Partners Inc.